The Best Hobbies for INTJ Personality Types

The Best Hobbies for INTJ Personality Types

Since people with the same personality types share similar qualities, it makes sense that there are hobbies suited to each type depending on their strengths and weaknesses. INTJs' natural self-confidence and curiosity mean they can try and succeed at many different hobbies.

That said, their favorite hobbies tend to be more solitary and be challenging or self-improving. Take a look below at some of the hobbies best suited to those with the INTJ personality type.

Solo sports

INTJs often appreciate some form of exercise and appreciate its role in keeping the mind sharp and the body healthy. Independent sports appeal to their introversion and allow for improvement without having to rely on teammates. INTJs commonly enjoy cycling, running, swimming, and weightlifting -- anything relatively solitary.

They enjoy physical activity as a means of de-stressing and getting out of their head for a while, embracing mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation. You might also find INTJs engaging in highly disciplined sports like martial arts and boxing, which play to their strength in self-control.

Creative outlets

Thanks to their deep knowledge and dominant N (intuition) function INTJs are highly creative and enjoy a range of creative hobbies -- from meticulously recreating others' creations to innovating their own. They love the challenge of a new creative outlet and will often experiment with many different kinds of creative hobbies. Food creation like cooking, baking, cake decorating, and brewing are common, as well as just about any artistic hobby you can think of, like art, music, crafting, and jewelry-making.

In particular, many INTJs love photography for the way it allows them to express their unique perspective through a creative lens. They also enjoy the technical aspects like adjusting and editing, which other personality types may find off-putting. Whatever their creative outlet may be, INTJs love the challenge of a new hobby and get a lot of satisfaction out of a perfectly finished project.


Even if an INTJ doesn’t make their own creations, they likely still have a deep appreciation for those that do. They are drawn to cultural events like concerts, art exhibitions, musical theater, and plays.

INTJs are perfectionistic and place a high value on being good at things, so they really respect those who have honed their craft. They like attending these events where like-minded people gather and enjoy a healthy discussion about whatever cultural activities interest them.

Computers and video games

The complexity of learning about computers and other electronics appeals to many INTJs -- their strategic nature fits well with coding and creating games or programs. Playing video games with friends online is a low-effort form of socialization and engages INTJ’s competitiveness. Their enjoyment of technical hobbies can also extend to other electronics, like remote-controlled objects or robotics.


The INTJ’s love of learning means that they are generally avid readers. They love to read non-fiction about whatever they are currently interested in and any book that aids research.

INTJs also love any literature that engages their curiosity and imagination, from sci-fi and fantasy to complex mysteries. Though they’re not generally people-oriented, INTJs may enjoy reading to get an insight into others' minds -- whether it be researching psychology or relating to fictional characters.


INTJs’ perpetual curiosity and thirst for knowledge extend beyond reading into a genuine love of expanding their knowledge in any way. You might find INTJs enrolling in courses or classes in their spare time to upskill in areas of interest or spending hours doing self-directed online research. INTJs constantly find new things to be interested in; they like to thoroughly learn about one topic and then move on to the next.

Sharing knowledge

The healthy INTJ isn’t selfish with their extensive knowledge – they delight in sharing their learnings with others. INTJs enjoy imparting knowledge through one-on-one conversations, but even more so are often regulars on online info-sharing websites like Reddit, Quora, and Wikipedia.

Whether it be through these websites, blog posts, or actual books, writing through any medium can utilize INTJs' critical thinking and idea organization skills. The act of writing is a good outlet for the INTJ to share their hard-earned knowledge.

Home improvement

Like other T (thinking) and J (judging) types, INTJs love to keep all aspects of their life organized -- tasks that feel like a chore to many can be truly enjoyable for them. Related hobbies may include tidying, cleaning, and organizing the house. They also enjoy minimalism, so decluttering is extremely satisfying to many INTJs.

Related passions like interior design and renovation may also appeal to INTJs, who love to spend time curating the perfect space. Additionally, understanding all the variables that go into gardening and growing things may be attractive. - Some INTJs might enjoy integrating multiple hobbies by cultivating impeccable ingredients to use in the kitchen.

Puzzles and games

Logic puzzles like sudoku and crosswords can provide an excellent form of mental exercise for INTJs. They are often drawn to more individual games like jigsaw puzzles but also enjoy strategic board games like Catan, Dungeons and Dragons, chess, and Scrabble, which provide a pleasant form of social interaction as well as an appealing intellectual challenge.

Hobbies can enrich and improve your quality of life and are often more rewarding than an actual career. Given the huge range of different characteristics and combinations over the 16 personalities, each type has certain kinds of hobbies that are more suitable or enjoyable than others.

Some types prefer to stick to one or two over their lifetime, while others enjoy trying new hobbies all the time. INTJs' love for new ideas and curiosity keep them eager to try various activities, especially those that play to their strengths.

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