What You Need to Know About The INTJ Male

What You Need to Know About The INTJ Male

One of the rarest personality types, INTJs or “Masterminds,” are known for their love of learning, innovation, and intense determination to succeed. INTJ men have some unique characteristics, fitting the quiet, brooding, unemotional stereotype to a tee, but a healthy INTJ male can also be one of the most helpful and loyal creatures out there. Here’s a look at all you need to know about the INTJ male, especially if you’re considering dating one!

Be prepared for sarcasm

INTJ males are often thought of as overly serious -- and can be in many situations. However, they actually have a wicked sense of dry, sarcastic humor to the point where people can find it hard to tell if they are joking or not. Their sarcasm is part of their unique communication style, which is very direct and detached.

The INTJ’s logical nature means they see no reason to play games and will generally be very honest and upfront. They are not afraid to tell you if they disagree with your point of view, which can be jarring for the overly sensitive.

If you can handle the honesty and discern their sarcasm, then you’ll never have to worry whether INTJ men mean what they say. This can be a perk in relationships where a common concern is whether men are just saying what they think you want to hear. Since the INTJ personality type generally thinks through everything before they speak, make sure you do too or be prepared to face the music.

They’re not big on emotional scenes

Much like their emotional detachment while communicating, INTJ males dislike any overly emotional situation and will avoid them at all costs. They are experts at keeping emotions to themselves and believe outwardly expressing oneself is pointless.

When faced with a problem, they would rather think it through logically and find a solution. To a male INTJ, being around exceedingly emotional individuals is uncomfortable and annoying -- they won’t hesitate to remove themselves or express impatience.

In a relationship, the INTJ male would much prefer you approach any problems that arise calmly and methodically, as they do. If you are able to explain an issue in a way they can understand, they will move heaven and earth to fix the problem.

When an INTJ man cares about someone, he will show this through acts of service and actions rather than emotional expressions. He may not inherently know or understand your desires for surprises or a romantic date, but he will make an effort to do something once they know you need it.

Loyalty is not an issue

While they may not be very emotionally supportive, when they care about someone, the INTJ male can always be relied upon. Their loyalty is steadfast, and they expect the same from you -- they will see any betrayal logically and won’t be swayed by emotional explanations. INTJ men always want you to be upfront with them, and if they suspect their partner is hiding something, they will quickly pull away. In a relationship, you won’t have to worry about roaming eyes or questioning the INTJ’s commitment -- if they have an issue, they will simply tell you.

INTJ males' high standards have them approaching potential relationships with a thorough set of expectations and ideals until they find someone who fits. This inorganic approach can be off-putting for some people, but it also means they rarely waste anyone's time and are clear about what they want and expect.

They constantly strive for growth

The INTJ male wants to be the best he can be in all aspects of life, often spending a lot of time researching and learning to be as knowledgeable as possible. They endeavor to understand the world, respect like-minded souls, and strongly dislike ignorance. They like to be surrounded by people who have dreams and goals and will support their loved ones in their aspirations.

This hunger for growth is usually carried into all areas of their lives. The INTJ male will not tolerate stagnancy in a romantic relationship and will continually push to keep moving forward. They want both parties to grow personally and professionally and appreciate someone that challenges and encourages progress from them too.

Give them space

Though they enjoy having someone by their side, the INTJ male’s quiet, introspective nature requires plenty of alone time. Since they don’t draw energy from people, being with others for too long will quickly drain their social battery and cause irritation. They also use this time alone to reflect on ideas and plans and do their best work individually.

Just as they admire those who also strive for growth, INTJ males respect people with their own independence and ideas. They believe successful partners should make room for the other in their fulfilled, busy lives rather than being codependent.

If they do attend social gatherings, these men aren’t a fan of small talk and prefer quiet, intellectual conversations. Though they may not be the life of the party, they enjoy a robust debate about almost anything and won’t seem shy when they’re arguing a point they believe in.

The bottom line

If you’re lucky enough to know an INTJ male, you’ll appreciate their determination to succeed and help you grow by their side. Clear, honest communication is key in a relationship -- but don’t be afraid to nurture the softer side that we know lies underneath. INTJ men are filled with knowledge and won’t hesitate to help you out -- so don’t skip over the quiet guy!

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