What You Need to Know About The INTJ Female

What You Need to Know About The INTJ Female

The INTJ personality is characterized by its independence, rationality, drive, and focus. Nicknamed the “Mastermind,” the INTJ is known for its academic prowess, big picture thinking, and unconventionality. Many of their positive traits can potentially rub people the wrong way as their directness and focus on rationality can seem rude or cold to less logical types.

The INTJ is the second rarest personality type when both men and women are taken into account; however, because far more men than women are INTJs, the INTJ female is actually the rarest of all the personalities.

Many of the traits associated with the INTJ personality are what we consider typically masculine, and INTJ women can be the victims of sexism, particularly in the workplace, where behavior that might be considered ambitious or entrepreneurial in a man is dismissed as aggressive or obnoxious when coming from a woman.

Read on to discover five important things everyone should know about any INTJ females in their life.


The INTJ female is not someone who likes to rely on others and probably won’t respond well to old-fashioned displays of chivalry. Holding the door and picking up the bill isn’t the way to the INTJ woman’s heart. Fiercely independent in both the social and financial realms, the INTJ woman is likely to have been earning her own income from an early age. Her refusal to rely on others can sometimes seem obtuse, but for the INTJ woman, it’s a marker of her own strength.

Socially, the INTJ woman is likely to have a few intimate friends rather than be someone who enjoys a large social circle. These will be trusted friends who understand the INTJ’s direct approach to conversation and impatience with hypocrisy. In romantic relationships, especially early on, the INTJ woman may come across as guarded or aloof.

However, once the INTJ woman fully enters into a relationship, she’s committed, loyal, and extremely supportive. This will never come at the cost of her own independence, though, and she’ll have little patience for neediness or codependency.


If you’re guilty of thinking of women as being more emotional than men or more likely to make decisions based on intuition rather than logic, the INTJ woman will set those preconceptions straight. The INTJ woman favors gathering and weighing evidence before making a decision rather than going with her gut.

In interpersonal relationships, these traits might make her seem cold and aloof, but for the INTJ woman being logical is simply the way she approaches all aspects of her life. This insistence on rationality means that she can have her behavior and responses questioned, yet will likely respond without aggression or defensiveness. More likely to have a measured discussion than a screaming match, the INTJ woman can be a formidable partner.


INTJs tend to be mavericks and disrupters, unhampered by societal expectations. This isn’t necessarily because they’re more creative or rebellious than others, but because they’re able to assess society logically and observe the archaic or pointless nature of some conventions.

The INTJ woman isn’t a woman bound by traditional gender roles or someone whose political views necessarily correspond to “right” or “left” binaries. Their positions are usually strong and they can back them up with sound reasoning, but they’re unlikely to fall consistently under one ideological banner.


The INTJ woman is a hard-working and driven personality, the kind to set goals and work toward them with a single-minded focus. Undeterred by difficulties, at least compared with others, they see challenges as opportunities to exercise their well-developed problem-solving skills.

These are the kind of people who are energized by a setback and who throw themselves into the task of strategically planning how to get around it. This drive can be seen as ruthless or aggressive, but to the INTJ herself, it simply makes sense. It’s seen as the best way to go about achieving what she deems important.

Being a woman with drive and ambition can often mean encountering the double standards our society has when it comes to gender. Men are able to be focused and ambitious without it being seen as negative, but women with these traits are often labeled as aggressive.

The INTJ woman understands this hypocrisy and has little patience for it.


The INTJ woman is motivated by big-picture thinking. The drive, ambition, and focus we have sketched out above are all in service to this. Often the INTJ woman sees her career or her work as part of a bigger movement in the world, connected to society’s betterment and the journey of humankind as a whole.

This grand vision for life can seem pompous or arrogant, but the INTJ woman sees it differently. Why work towards something if you see no larger reason for your struggles?

This investment in a grand narrative doesn’t mean that the INTJ woman necessarily wants power or prestige, but that their work should have meaning and significance beyond paying the bills. INTJ women often work in fields connected to science, technology, engineering, and the environment—all industries where a utopian element exists that the INTJ woman relates to.

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