Famous People With the INTJ Personality

Famous People With the INTJ Personality

INTJs are often called the “Mastermind” personality type. They’re academic and rational, focused, confident, and committed to their goals. However, this drive and determination can lead to INTJs coming across as single-minded, aloof, and unsympathetic, with a tendency to feel more comfortable moving in the world of theory rather than in reality.

A focus on the bigger picture can contribute to their apparent coldness or ruthlessness because their commitment to an end goal often necessitates sacrifices being made along the way. This can cause others to perceive them as arrogant, even cruel, especially since INTJs frequently lack the patience and communication skills to explain their choices to others.

Approximately 2% of the population is INTJ, with men being far more likely to have this personality type than women. Though rare, INTJs are over-represented when it comes to famous or successful people because they often have the drive and determination to become successful in their chosen fields.

Read on for examples of INTJ personalities who became incredibly successful in their chosen fields.

The INTJ athlete or sportsperson – Bobby Fischer

As is to be expected, INTJs aren’t usually team players, and their intellectual abilities mean they’re only drawn to games or sports with complex strategic components. This makes games like golf, tennis, cycling, gymnastics, or chess more appealing to an INTJ than a team sport like football or basketball. Because INTJs have great discipline, once committed to a sport, they’re well-placed to succeed at it. Their affinity for strategy also makes them suited to coaching positions, where they can implement long-term plans.

Bobby Fischer, arguably the most famous chess player in the world, was indisputably a strategic genius. At the age of 14, when most people are interested in hanging out with their friends, Fischer was winning US chess championships. The kind of drive and focus needed to excel at such a young age puts Fischer firmly in the INTJ camp.

The INTJ writer – Ayn Rand

Because writing is a solitary and intellectual pursuit, it can suit the INTJ disposition. Plotting out a novel, with its twists and turns, also appeals to the strategic ability of the INTJ.

Ayn Rand is a classic example of an INTJ—so much so that she founded her own philosophical system called “Objectivism.” Much of her fiction centers around driven, ruthless characters who set out to change the world, and Rand herself was known for her commitment to her ideals, her immense energy and focus, and her impatience with weakness and emotionality.

Ayn Rand's protagonists aren’t underdogs or people who are ruled by their passions. Instead, she writes about business people, engineers, and architects—all types that exhibit INTJ traits.

The INTJ businessperson – Mark Zuckerberg

Because INTJs struggle with collaboration and can be seen as difficult colleagues, they tend to be entrepreneurial or innovative—disruptors who are unafraid to go out on their own and risk everything for their vision.

At this point, Mark Zuckerberg barely needs an introduction. Famous for co-founding Facebook, Zuckerberg has dominated the social networking landscape, beginning his meteoric rise while still a kid in college.

Known to be somewhat abrasive in person and ruthless when it comes to business decisions, Zuckerberg is highly strategic and uses his intelligence to observe patterns, allowing him to predict how the future might play out. INTJs are often in their heads, running simulations of many scenarios, and this ability is what makes Zuckerberg such a successful businessman, as he manages to both shape and meet the needs of the culture.

The INTJ criminal – Ted Kaczynski (The Unabomber)

INTJs are called Masterminds, and no doubt we have all heard the phrase “criminal mastermind.” Although many of their traits can be used for good, it's easy to see how a love of strategy, drive, and ruthlessness could pay off in more unsavory realms as well.

Ted Kaczynski was a mathematics prodigy who abandoned his academic career to live in the woods, removed from society. Then between 1978 and 1995, he masterminded a nationwide bombing campaign targeting those involved with modern technology while authoring a manifesto illustrating his radical environmentalist philosophy.

Abhorred by most and admired by a few misguided individuals, it’s undeniable that Kaczynski had excellent strategic thinking skills, drive, great intelligence, and an intense commitment to the bigger picture, and he was willing to put it all into action despite resorting to murder and terrorism to make his point.

The INTJ musician – Jay-Z

Although performers and musicians often need excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate and tend to be more emotional and intuitive than the average INTJ; a few rare maverick types pop up who can excel in this field through hard work and a singularity of vision.

Regarded as one of the most influential hip-hop artists in history, Jay-Z has had a varied and impressive career as both a rapper and record executive. Since starting out, Jay-Z has had a vision for his music and for the role of hip-hop in the culture at large. This overarching plan and broadness of vision are hallmarks of the INTJ mindset.

Combine this with Jay-Z’s drive, work ethic, and discernment, and it’s clear why he’s had such an impact on hip-hop and pop culture more broadly. INTJ artists are rare, but when they find their niche, they tend to be formidable.

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